2018年5月23日 星期三

Battlefield S1/E2 - The Battle of Britain

Really regret to stress that Britain was and dramatically will be just a country and even nation of the falling sun and tragically: people because of just big mouth and no diligence!!!!!!!Battlefield S1/E2 - The Battle of Britain

Battlefield S1/E3 - The Battle of Midway

BBeware of the cold blood, cunning and cruel monstrous Japs. from top to bottom past, now and future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!attlefield S1/E3 - The Battle of Midway

2018年5月20日 星期日

Just double negative theory, i.e. India is the ultimately enemy of both Communist China and Pakistan!!!!!!!!『巴基斯坦•中国』—看看国人对巴铁的看法吧『Do You Know Pakistan』 1 Do You Know Pakistan?

Please be rule of law, not Communist China's rule by law. There is big and sarcastic difference. Please study and follow the over hundred years' success in Western countries!遼寧號突破第一島鏈!F15租台灣對付殲15?-關鍵時刻精選 朱學恒 傅鶴齡 黃創夏

Regret that "張作霖打造鎮海號水上飛機航母!" was just big thunder with little or even no rain at all as China's succeeding disastrous defeats, particularly to cunning and cruel monstrous Japs' invasion.!!遼寧號突破第一島鏈!F15租台灣對付殲15?-關鍵時刻精選 朱學恒 傅鶴齡 黃創夏

Communist China, Please be down to earthly humble. You are just green head little brother in operating air craft carrier. Please don't bluff as a frog that would ultimately kill itself!!!!!在中国首艘国产航母试航的背后,隐藏着比美国更强的中国实力。

Afraid that this is just a inborn cunning, cold blood, killing, monstrous and cruel instinct and nature from top brass to basic people of Japs that would never be relied and trusted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please be absolute careful, calm, watchful and clear mind on them. They could just be enemy!!!Tora, Tora, Tora The True Story of Pearl Harbor Documentary

2018年5月2日 星期三

Israel vs Arab countries dogfight - bbc documentary army

ICould always self claimed mouth-fully powerful Communist China, yet realistically and actually timid, learn any lesson!!srael vs Arab countries dogfight - bbc documentary army

Israel vs Arab countries dogfight - bbc documentary army

Could always self claimed mouth-fully powerful Communist China, yet realistically and actually timid!!!Israel vs Arab countries dogfight - bbc documentary army